Trial Pass.

Is the environment, atmosphere and equipment right for you? Find out for yourself with our Trial Gains Pass.

4-day trial pass

So you love the look of the gym, and think we might have a great community – but the thought of committing to a new gym is a bit scary. What if the equipment isn’t right for you? What if it’s always busy? What if you can’t get there easily after work?

We understand the anxiety that can come with checking out a new place to work out; that’s why we set up our 4-day trial pass!

4 sessions for £10

No Commitment, no contract.

How it Works.

For just £10 you’ll receive a stamp card with access to four sessions so you can take Graft Häus for a test drive, meet the team, get a feel for the atmosphere and make your mind up to join us or keep looking for your perfect gym. If you decide to join our gym after using your 4-day pass, we’ll even knock £10 off your signup fee!

Pop your head through the door, give us a call or fill in and submit the form below to find out more.


    The pass entitles the holder to 4 day passes that must be used within 14 days of receiving the trial card. Only 1 trial pass can be used per person. Passes are non-transferable. If the holder subsequently joins Graft Häus gym, £10 will be removed from the joining fee. The pass holds no cash value, just potential gains.